F1 Cricket

corgie shiba pups 2023
Registration ID: BM1-x0007
Breed: Shiborgi
Birth Date: April 25, 2023
Sex: Female
Sire: Boo Boo
Dam: Missy
Litter: Boo Boo X Missy 2023


Cricket our F-1 Shiborgi female is a submissive pup not giving us any problems. As a young pup she did not come when called and minded her own business. She was the quietest female in the litter with the longest body.

Health Record

Round wormed: 7/28/24

Photo Gallery

corgie shiba pups 2023
Crickets siblings
cricket as a pup
crickets first litter
cricket f1 shiborgi
cricket f1 shiborgi 4

Test Scores

Test Six Week Scores
(July 9, 2024)
Intelligence (process of thought) 8
Pitch of/Vocal sounds 8
Barking 8
Whining and talking back 10
Prey drive 5
Chewing 5
Swallowing stuff 9
Dominance/aggression towards humans 8
Challenging owner/trainer 10
Child friendly 3
Dominance/aggression towards other dogs 9
Dominance/aggression towards smaller animals 4
Soft/hard bite (mouth) 8
Touch sensitivity 2
Emotional sensitivity 8
Sound sensitivity 4
Ease of training for the average person 5
Velcro (not wanting to wander) 1
Genetic hyperness or Energy level (pacing the fence line) 2
Investigative or inquisitive (independence) 3
Stubborness (doing what it wants instead of what you want) 8
Eating of feces 9
Sanitational pooping in the designated spot 10
Sloppy drinking 10
Age of life 15
Health issues 0
Retrieving or carrying objects 8
Digging 5
Conformation 6
Girth 6
Eyes 4
Ears 10+
Nose 10
Girth of Skull 7 too broad
Length of Tail 5
Feet 5
Neck 4 not forward from shoulders
Topline 7
Gait 5 too short


Boo Boo


Eski X F1 Cricket 2024


am eskimo


About the Litter (F2 Shiborgi Eskimo)

F1 Crickets Axel von Eski

Sex: Male
Collar Color: Light Green

More Details